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Sugar Disclaimer: If you have been a follower of my blog for any length of time, you know I hate sugar. We eliminate as much processed sugar in our home as possible. However, I am also a believer in the freedom of food and teaching children flexibility. These snacks are NOT designed for daily consumption. They are designed as a fun way to include learning within a Superhero theme.
Superhero week in our Literacy Adventures class is one of my favorite weeks in this class. Aw, who am I kidding? It is my favorite week. The kids dress up in superhero costumes or princess outfits, we use our imagination, read some stellar books, and still manage to pack in some stellar learning. This year I even managed to fit in revealing that I am growing another little superhero! The kids had to guess what my superhero shirt might mean. It took them a little bit, but immediately one little girl asked if it was coming out today!
Every year the activities and set up of our room changes slightly. Sometimes we go ‘all out’ and have photo booths, building structures for dramatic play, and room decorations. Some years we tone it down and focus more on the activities.
One of the fun ways to spark imagination is doing some ‘superhero’ themed snacks. It can be tough in a preschool program to find snacks that meet state regulations and the individual programs rules. So if you are using any of these ideas, be sure to check the allergies of your students and the rules of the program.
Here’s a couple ideas that are great for preschool programs. They are simple and don’t require a whole lot of extra time.
- Spiderman Baby-Bell Cheese
- Thor’s Hammer with pretzels and cheese
- Superhero Shield with Oreo
Spiderman Baby-Bell Cheese
Using the oil-based marker, draw a spider web. I used normal sharpie markers the first time I attempted this and because of the wax it was quite tedious and frustrating. Using the oil-based markers is the most frustration free way to create this. The easiest way to find a pattern is to google “spider-web clip art”. I recommend drawing a ‘t’ through the center and then an ‘X’ on either side. This creates 4 long lines. Start from the inside and draw loops to create a spider web effect.
Explain to the children that you are bringing out ‘spider-webs’ for them to eat for snack. Depending on how ‘silly’ of a teacher or parent you are, this can be a lot of fun to draw out a little. After the ‘silliness’ is over explain that you have a food item that you created into a spider-web. Ask them what type of food it might be. This is a good exercise to help young children get into higher/abstract thinking patterns. After and appropriate amount of discussion bring out the Spiderman webs and let the children enjoy!
Thor’s Hammer
- Stick Pretzels
- Gluten Free option
- From the Ground Up – Cauliflower Pretzel Sticks Original – 4.5 oz.
” data-wplink-url-error=”true” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Healthier Option with Cauliflower
- Cheese or
- Kraft Jet-Puffed Original Marshmallows, 10 oz Bag (Pack of 4)
” data-wplink-url-error=”true” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Marshmallows
- Check out these 6 ingredient natural marshmallows
Let each child have a small pile of pretzels and cheese or marshmallows. Explain that they are going to make a magical hammer. Ask what superhero uses a hammer? I’ve personally done this two ways. I’ve either shown them how to put the hammer together and then watch them follow the process themselves. OR I ask them how they would make a hammer. Assembling this is a very simple 3-step process. Pick up pretzel and cheese. Press cheese into pretzel. Eat. However, between developing fine-motor skills and processing skills this can be a task for some preschool children. It’s a great opportunity to watch and see how they respond to process skills.
Superhero Shields with Oreo’s
- Double Stuffed Oreo’s
- Bamboo Toothpicks – for each child
Disperse the Oreo’s and toothpicks. Explain that we are going to make superhero shields. Demonstrate how to open a double stuffed Oreo and aid any child that struggles. Using a toothpick demonstrate how to write in the stuffing. They can make an S for Superman or Spiderman. They could write their name into it. They could design their own Captain America Shield. The options are endless. I personally like them to try and write something, so they are practicing their literacy skills. This is a fun way to incorporate learning into every aspect of their day. Not to mention great fine-motor skills!