I have been blessed to work with some amazing companies and I believe you are going to love them too!
Listed below are some of the companies I have been able to work with. Many of these companies have given me a discount code for my truly wonderful followers. Click on their link to shop or grab the discount code below. I earn a small commission when you shop through my link.
Click here for my Like to Know Shop

Papa Bear Naturals uses grass-fed tallow to create moisturizing and chemical-free skin care products! Get 10% off with my link.

Thank you for shopping for your Trim Healthy Mama products through my affiliate link!
Enjoy 15% off your order with my coupon code HEALINGHOME. Redmond is a US company based in Utah.
New Growth Press is my trusted source for gospel-centered books for my kids. From our favorite Acrosic series to more fun books like Coop Messes Up, their books are like no other!
Mary Ruth is my favorite vitamin. We used them before they claimed popularity and continue to use and trust the quality of their vitamins. Use code HEALING_HOME15 for 15% off your order!
Grab your own Inspire Bible, just like the one I use most mornings!
The Healing Home Amazon storefront is your one-stop shop for all things linked and mentioned on the Healing Home Platform.
If you are a note-taker, this Bible is for YOU! The Spiral Bible lays flat and has ample room for journaling and note-taking.
I love the ESV translation. It’s my favorite translation and this Bible with gold lettering is gorgeous!