Nibbles the Book Monster Activities and 7 Tips for Amazing Literacy Skills

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Nibbles the Book Monster has struck again! This time with a wonderful number’s books, which pairs with these Nibbles the Book Monster Activities.

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Nibbles and his Books

Nibbles the book monster has struck again! This time with a wonderful number’s books. If you like children’s books and have an obsession with Usborne books, you are probably no stranger to the Nibbles series. They are an easy decision for hilarious giggles from all preschoolers. The yellow Nibbles monster mischievously nibbles his way through books while participating in outrageous adventures with fairy tales, dinosaurs, and now numbers! Now you can grab this preschool literacy Nibbles the Book Monster Activities. 

Nibbles The Book Monster Books

Edit: This post was written when there was only 3 Nibbles books available. Currently, there are four available. 

  1. The Book Monster
  2. Nibbles: The Dinosaur Guide
  3. Counting Nibbles
  4. Nibbles: The Monster Hunt

As the title might suggest, the little monster nibbles his way through the numbers 1-10 while the author narrates their horror at all their numbers being ruined. The friendly monster escapes through the sturdy pages until he finally escapes through the last page. Will he come back for another adventure? Time will tell!

This newest book is the simplest out of the three, but pairs wonderfully with many preschool units. For this week we are using it for our “N” week. If you are new to my postings, I teach a literacy Pre-K class that highlights a new letter of the week each week. All our activities and curriculum are based on that letter. The class is meant to expose Pre-K students to literacy and foster a love for reading.

Nibbles the Book Monster Activities

Nibbles The Book Monster: Literacy Activity Outcomes

This literacy activity is incredibly simple, as it is intended as just a fun ‘filler’ project. But just because it’s a ‘filler’ does not mean that there isn’t the intention behind the activity! Nibbles the Book Monster activities can be fun and yet still have intention behind them.

Here are some ways I am using this activity to produce some educational outcomes in my class.

 Learning Ideas for Literacy

1. Read out loud all the Nibbles stories to increase a love of literacy in my students. 

2. Count out loud with the group while reading the book as well as with individuals while they complete the activity. counting exposure.

3. Have the class recognizes and notice the upper- and lower-case letter N’s in the story.

4. Encourage the student’s creativity in naming their own book monster (for those that have the capability I also ask them to come up with a name that begins with the letter N).

5. Give them exposure to writing numbers (even if they are not perfect!). This can be done on small whiteboards as a group, or individually while completing the worksheet. We typically give students the opportunity to write the numbers 1-10 on a small whiteboard during group time. Doing it this way is less pressure, encourages less perfection, and gives them the advantage of looking at each other’s work. Then for the worksheet, they have already practiced writing the numbers and only have to pick one to write on the worksheet.

6. Have the student think through the ‘next steps.’ Where will the monster go next? What will happen in the future?

7. Use fine motor skills in decorating and creating their own nibble monster craft.

Nibbles the Book Monster Activities – The Kids Answers

As is the case with many of my activities, my favorite part is hearing what the pre-k students come up with for answers! They are so cute, funny, and clever. If you did this activity, tell me some of the answers your kiddos came up with. Kid quotes is one of my favorite parts of teaching and I’d love to hear what they came up with. Tell me below in the comment section!  

Nibbles the Book Monster

Nibbles the Book Monster Printable

I have intentionally kept the instructions in the download simple. This activity has such versatility, I want to give you the freedom to modify it in whatever way fits your classroom or home best!

The following printables are free for you to use in any classroom experience!  Just click on the picture to be brought to the dropbox file and download away! All are saved in PDF  format for high-quality printing.

Nibbles downloads

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