Today is a day of Opportunity or Adventure if you will! God’s favor is always allowing us favorable junctures of circumstances. With Him, there are always good chances for advancement or progress!
OPPORTUNITY: a favorable juncture of circumstances, the halt provided an opportunity for rest and refreshment
Merriam Webster dictionary
When I think of advancement, I picture a unit of soldiers advancing toward the enemy to take territory. The Lord intends for us to take territory in our own lives every day. He has a plan for our lives and as an army would have strategic plans for advancement, so the Lord has the same for us.
However, we must always look for the opportunities that present themselves each day. I personally look at the opportunity as an adventure with God!
I must admit, I am guilty at times of wanting God just to cause opportunities to fall into my lap without me having to do anything whatsoever to grab them. However, I am a firm believer that unless you’re willing to be a worker and at least take advantage of what is presented to you as an opportunity, opportunities may not come to you.
For example, have you ever realized that when Jesus was doing his earthly ministry that he never called one disciple that wasn’t already busy doing work or a job? Each one of the twelve disciples was either a fisherman, a doctor, a tax collector, or something else. They all had taken advantage of natural opportunities in their lives. So, when Jesus came along, they knew and recognized a fantastic opportunity when they saw one!
Maybe you’ve been like me, you’ve taken advantage of opportunities, but they seemed to not pan out for you the way you thought they should. You have ended up embarrassed and felt as though you were a huge failure.
But who says you’ve failed? I feel if you’ve learned anything from it, then it was not a failed opportunity! Do you know what I have found out? Even if it doesn’t turn out the way I had planned it, I would rather have tried than to let the opportunity pass me by and wonder if I should have taken advantage of it!
I refer to the disciple Peter a lot in my own life as I can relate to him. When Jesus came to the disciples walking on the water, Peter saw an opportunity! He may not have realized what an adventure he was going to step into, but he was willing to go for it! Are we?
And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.”
Matthew 1428 ESV
Now the remaining disciples in the boat most likely thought Peter was “crazy” but Peter was bold and adventurous!
Do you not realize that you have been put on this earth for a reason? You can make of your life what you want it to be. You can either live a bold and adventurous life in God by taking full advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you, or you can be like the other disciples sitting in the boat and thinking Peter is a little crazy for trying something new.
Sometimes picking up our Bible’s can be one of the greatest adventures of our day. Adventure does not have to be complicated. We just have to be willing to walk into whatever God has for us.
If you choose the bold and adventurous life, you, like Peter, will have to get out of your comfort zone or what you deem to be a safe place and do something different. You might have others in your life, like the disciples who stayed in their comfort zone thinking you’re a little “crazy” for getting out of the “boat”.
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1 ESV
Sometimes to completely take advantage of an opportunity it may take a bold crazy step of faith, but sometimes even the smallest steps toward an open door can make the most dramatic changes in your life! God will honor you with advancement!
I am excited to know that every new day provides a new opportunity and adventure with God to cause something exciting to happen. However, I must choose. I have an opportunity to stay where I am or choose advancement!
I personally want to take advantage of every new opportunity and adventure God provides to me to progress and move forward! This is what keeps my life exciting! This is where the adventure is! This keeps me looking forward in expectation instead of looking back in regret.
I want to encourage you, my friend, today is a new day, His mercies are renewed every morning, so what are we waiting for? Let’s take advantage of a new day filled with new adventures and opportunities!
A Little More About Christine
Wife, Mom , #1 Bestselling Author, Spiritual Midwife/Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Creator of Inspirational Programs and Owner of Birthing Your Dream Author Services, Artist and Art Instructor!
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