Alphabet Bible Verses

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Looking for Alphabet Bible verses with coloring pages, cards, and printables? You have come to the right place! Grab these free ABC cards and pages, plus there is no email required! However, you might want to check out the upgrade with even more options! If you are looking for a fun and engaging way to teach biblical truths and reinforce God’s Word to your little ones, this download is a perfect solution.

The download at the bottom of this post includes the free full-page coloring pages and access to the free ABC Bible coloring cards. Additional printables are available through the upgrade.

Alphabet bible verses

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Alphabet Bible Verses Printables

These ABC Bible Scripture Flashcards and coloring pages are a teaching tool for toddlers and children who are learning about biblical truths and the Word of God.

The cards are colored and bright but also include scripture verses that have a corresponding Bible verse with the chosen alphabet. Each letter has a new verse with an illustration. These can be a fun way to understand key aspects of the Bible while learning the ABCs.

They are a great way to teach children about the stories, themes, and characters of the Bible. The cards can enrich their own understanding of each Bible verse or story. You could even use them in family devotions as a way to reinforce whatever topic you read about on that day.

Print them as a fun bible activity in the classroom, Christian schools, Sunday School decor, or as a homeschool tool. They are a great tool for teaching toddlers and little children about the Word of God as their little hearts become sensitive to God’s truths.

The FREEBIES are at the bottom of this post. OR click on the Gumroad link to head right to the download area.

Want the upgrade?
This fun upgrade which is available in my Etsy shop or through this website, is a great way to add some more color and additional materials to your Bible Alphabet!
This download comes with full-color flashcards, coloring cards, and full-sized coloring pages.

Alphabet Bible Verses

So which Bible verses were chosen for each letter of the alphabet? Well, I’ll tell you! In full transparency, here is the ultimate list of alphabet Bible verses! These simple scripture verses contain big truths about the gift of God and his amazing promises throughout the Bible.

A is for Adam – 1 Corinthians 15:45

B is for Believe – Acts 16:31

C is for Creation – Genesis 1:1

D is for Disciple- Matthew 28:19

E is for Eternal life – John 3:16

F is for Forgive – Colossians 3:13

G is for Goliath – 1 Samuel 17:27

H is for Holy Spirit – Jon 14:26

I is for Issac – Genesis 26:12-13

J is for Christ Jesus – John 14:6

L is for Light of the World – John 8:12

M is for Mary – Luke 1:30-31

N is for Noah – Genesis 7:1

O is for Olive Branch

P is for Prayer – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Q is for Queen – Esther 4:14

S is for Serpent – Revelation 12:9

T is for Trumpet – Joshua 6:4

U is for Unity – 1 Corinthians 12:27

V is for Vine – John 15:1

W is for Whale – Jonah 1:17

X is for King Xerxes – Esther 5:2

Y is for Yahweh – Psalm 34:3

Z is for Zacchaeus – Luke 19:2

Alphabet bible verses
Alphabet bible verses
Alphabet bible verses

Another great resource for ABC Bible verses is the First ABC Book of Bible Verses I did a review of this book when it first came out, and it continues to be a favorite for my boys.

Want more? I have an entire vault of Bible printables for kids with lots of ways to tell the wonderful truth of scripture through printables and activities.

Bible printables for kids

Want more Free Bible Printables for Kids? I welcome you to check out our Bible Printables for Kids vault.

I have a passion for encouraging and equipping moms with resources for creating a Biblical home. This vault is filled with printables for teaching your child Bible stories, scripture verses, holiday printables, and more. The activities here are designed for you to do with your child. They are great for family devotional times, homeschooling, Sunday School, or just a fun activity for a rainy day!

⬇️Learn more about the vault ⬇️

The FREE ABC Bible Cards

Ready to download your ABC Bible cards and coloring pages? This is a colorful way to expose your kids to scripture and foundational truths. You could even use each page as Bible memory verses! You could even print the upgraded color version, laminate it, and give as the perfect gift for a baby shower!

In the freebie area, you will get full-page coloring pages and the ABC coloring flash cards. If you upgrade you’ll get 25% off the full-color version.

I hope these are used for the glory of God as your teach your young children about the truth of God’s Word!

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