Do you often find yourself in the midst of a busy schedule, juggling laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, and endless to-do lists? As homemakers, mothers, and women trying to create a peaceful space for ourselves and our families, the weight of “too much” can feel overwhelming. Too much stuff, too many tasks, and too many places to be can create a living space full of clutter, leading to mental clutter as well. The good news? A simple goal to simplify your life can help bring more peace and purpose, both in your home and in your daily routine.
A cluttered home can create a cluttered mind. The good news? Simplifying your home is easier than you think! Let’s talk about 3 ways to simplify your life and create a space that feels peaceful, purposeful, and beautiful. I have four little boys all under 6 and another one on the way! I love my littles but keeping a home has proven to be rather difficult with all the little hands undoing what I have done! Does this sound like your home?
If you’re like me, with a growing family and a busy schedule, it can feel like your house never stays clean for long, especially with little hands undoing everything you’ve worked on! I’m a big fan of simplifying the chaos, and today I’m sharing three simple ways to declutter, reduce stress, and bring a sense of calm to your home and your life. These strategies are inspired by the idea of creating a simpler life that focuses on the most important things, so you have more time for quality time with your loved ones, a clearer mental space, and fewer obligations to stress over.
There are ways to simplify your home, and it may not be as hard as you think!
Instead of spending so much time on organizing and cleaning all the things we own, how much more time can we spend in step with God and His will if we don’t have so many things to maintain?
Keeping a home should be a joy and not a pain point. Yet, the task can take on an overwhelming emotion as you work through your to-do list. In this post, I am going to show you a 3-step approach to simplify your home so that you can focus on the greater things. Or to put it a different way, how to make your home beautiful with simple steps and things.
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Make your Home Beautiful
Making your home beautiful as a Christian homemaker goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about cultivating an atmosphere where peace, love, and the presence of God are evident. A home that reflects God’s love is a sanctuary not only for your family but also for anyone who steps through the door.
Proverbs 24:3-4 reminds us,
“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”
Proverbs 24:3-4 ESV
These “riches” aren’t expensive furnishings or elaborate decorations but the fruits of the Spirit—kindness, joy, and patience—that fill a home with warmth and meaning. Making a home beautiful starts with a heart surrendered to God, allowing His wisdom to guide every decision about how the home is used, decorated, and maintained.
The beauty of a Christian home is also found in its purpose. It is a place to serve others, nurture relationships, and glorify God.
Romans 12:13 urges us to,
Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
Romans 12:13 ESV
When we view our home as a tool for ministry, even the simplest touches—a welcoming space, a clean kitchen table, or a cozy chair—can reflect God’s care for His children. In the busyness of homemaking, it’s easy to focus on perfection, but the goal should be creating an environment where God’s presence is evident and love abounds. A truly beautiful home isn’t flawless; it’s filled with grace, reflecting the heart of the One who dwells there.
Step 1: Take Inventory of Everything in Your Home
One of the most important ways to simplify your life is to understand exactly what you have. You can’t simplify if you don’t know what you’re working with. Taking inventory of your home and identifying what you have too much of is the first step to decluttering your living space. This step may seem daunting, but it’s a powerful way to begin the process of simplifying your environment.
The first question to ask yourself is: “What do I have too much of?” If you look around your home, you may find physical clutter that creates mental clutter. A lot of stuff can lead to unnecessary stress, making your space feel chaotic. Over time, this physical clutter can contribute to stress levels that affect your mental health. The goal isn’t to get rid of everything but to make room for the best things, the things you truly love, need, and use.
Take the time to look through your home and see what’s taking up space. Are your countertops or tables cluttered with papers, old receipts, or unnecessary trinkets? Do you have much stuff crowding your closet or storage areas? For example, if you have an abundance of clothes, it might be time to evaluate your wardrobe. Ask yourself: Do you love this? Does it serve a purpose in your daily life?
One thing I’ve avoided decluttering for years is my children’s books. I’ve made every excuss possible, but the reality is that we will never be able to read all of the books I’ve collected. Many of them were purchased when I was teaching, some of them I purchased when I was selling Usborne Books, and then last bit of them were given to me from family and friends.
My children’s book take up space, but that’s not the main issue. We also homeschool, so it’s nice to have a good library of books for my children to enjoy. The main issue is that when the children do read the books, they can’t seem to get the books back to the designated shelves or baskets. Then I end up frusterated and angry as I see piles scattered.
It might not be the clutter that’s the issue, but rather the heart response that the material possessions produce.
As you sort through the things in your home, be aware of what you have in excess and what is causing a improper heart response.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Matthew 6:19-20 ESV
Jesus says to store up heavenly treasures. Often, our heavenly treasures get clouded by the earthly treasures that we are holding too tightly to. What earthly treasures are you grasping that are preventing you from enjoying and storing up heavenly treasures?
If you find that you’re holding onto things out of guilt or because you’re trying to keep up with social media feeds or other people’s expectations, consider how much mental space this is taking up. Simplifying your home and possessions gives you the freedom to focus on what truly matters and let go of the unnecessary.
Symptoms of Too Much
Does your home feel crowded? Do you have flat surfaces covered with unnecessary items like papers, keys, or random toys? Are your kitchen table and coffee table constantly becoming a dumping ground? If your living space feels chaotic or overwhelming, it may be because you have too much stuff. And it’s okay! Many of us have been there.
Sometimes, it’s not just about the physical clutter but the emotional attachment to it. Does your home feel crowded? Do you have stuff cluttering up surfaces like your kitchen table, coffee table, or countertops? If so, these are signs of excess. Perhaps you’re trying to maintain things that no longer serve a real purpose in your daily life.
Start by identifying these areas and then consider ways to reduce the load. Letting go of physical items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy is a great way to reduce stress and simplify your space.
When you simplify your home, you may find that you have more time for the greater things. Simplify your home and time becomes a long lost friend.
Sort by Category
The easiest way to take inventory is to sort everything into categories. Start by asking yourself the following questions: Do I need this? Does this serve a purpose? Do I love this? By focusing on different things in categories like children’s toys, furniture pieces, and even important documents, you can better evaluate what’s essential. Keep a donation bin ready for things you no longer want and a storage bin for items you want to keep but don’t need daily. When you sort by category, it’s easier to see the sheer number of items you have, making it simpler to pare down.
I think clothes are probably a common point of excess for most people. I would recommend starting your inventory process with clothes. Go find every piece of clothing you have. Include items that are off-season, off-size, and “someday-I-will-wear-these” outfits. Place them all on your bed. Sub-categorize them even more into pants, shirts, dresses, pajamas, etc.
When you are confident you have every clothing item sub-categorized, now is the time to go through each sub-category and pull out the pieces you want to keep. When you see the huge mound of clothes, it is a lot easier to let go of things you haven’t worn in a while.
Do this process with each family member and decide which items to keep, donate, discard, or sell. (Here are free printable signs to help you with this process!) As you are sorting, keep in mind that our earthly treasures are temporary. Heavenly treasures are where we should put our joy and hope.
Move onto other categories in your home using the same method. Be careful to look for points of excess and have freedom in ridding your home of the items that you have too much of or don’t use.
Simplifying your home means taking inventory of your stuff and making sure that keeping it aligns with your values.
Step 2: Surround Yourself with Things You Love
Once you’ve taken inventory of your possessions, the next step is to focus on the things that bring you joy. When simplifying your life, it’s important to choose the things you keep based on their usefulness and the happiness they bring. Surrounding yourself with things you love, rather than things you feel obligated to keep, can help you live with less stress and greater satisfaction.
Consider where your treasure is. To simplify your home, it needs to start with your heart. What is the status of your heart? The lesson is the same! In order to simplify, you must deal with the heart.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
Consider the things in your home. Are you keeping things out of guilt? Are you displaying things for prideful reasons? Are you trying to keep up with Joneses? Identify areas of sin in keeping things so that the things you do have bring you unfathomable peace and joy.
Go Room by Room and Dream
Start with the living room and dream about how you want each space to feel. A clean space brings peace of mind. Does your room feel cluttered with household clutter, or does it feel peaceful? Once you’ve cleared the clutter, look at the room and imagine how you’d like to spend your time there. Would you love to sit in a cozy chair with a cup of coffee, or would you prefer a tidy home where your kids can play without tripping over things? Surround yourself with things that align with your dream for each room.
Take a deep breath and imagine how each room in your home could feel. This is a great way to envision a simpler, more peaceful living space. Go room by room and think about how you want each space to function. A clutter-free home brings peace of mind. Does your living room feel overwhelming with clutter, or does it bring a sense of calm and tranquility?
For example, if your kitchen table has become a catch-all for papers, instead of seeing it as just a table, dream about it as a space for family meals, conversations, and connection. Focus on creating a living space that allows for joyful experiences and meaningful moments. Think about the memories you want to create in each space and how simplifying your home can help make these dreams a reality.
As you are asking yourself the hard questions above, I recommend spending time in each room of your house. As you simplify your home, you can dream! Start with your favorite room. Dream! Imagine what the potential is for that room. What do you want the purpose of the room to be? How do you see yourself enjoying the room? What is hindering you from making the room into what you imagine it to be?
Spend time with God in the room. Pray over the space and ask God for His purpose. Do you have chairs in the room? Sit on the chair and place your hand on the seat. Pray over the chair and ask that God will bless the ones who sit on the chair. May it be a place for people to draw near to Him and study His Word.
Set Up the Room for Enjoyment and Function
When you’re thinking about each room, consider both enjoyment and function. A simplified space should serve your family’s needs, but it should also be a place where you feel at peace. This could mean setting up your home for simpler tasks, such as a more organized kitchen that reduces daily stress, or creating a cozy living room that encourages quality time with loved ones.
Don’t be afraid to make small changes in your home to fit the season of life you’re in. Whether it’s repurposing a space or rearranging furniture, embrace those changes as an opportunity for growth and simplicity.
You may find yourself repurposing a room repeatedly to fit your family’s current season of life. That’s okay! Do not fear change, but instead, embrace it and go with it! Your heavenly treasure is found in the memories and experiences you are making in these rooms. Set up each room to be functional and beautiful. When you simplify your home, you will find that it is easier to keep up to date on each room.
Love All the Things
Now that you have discarded the things you have in excess or do not use anymore; it is time to pick out the things that you love! It’s time to make your home beautiful with things that you love! How wonderful to open a closet full of clothes that you love rather than clothes that you kind of like.
The things you keep should be things that you love. Surround yourself with those things. When you step into your home, your heart should leap for joy because all your favorites are right there! That is the beauty of simplifying your home!
Step 3: Take Great Care of Your Things
Once you’ve simplified your possessions and surrounded yourself with things that bring joy, the next step is to take great care of what you have left. When you cherish your belongings, you’ll find that the act of caring for them becomes a joyful task rather than a chore.
In the Bible, it’s written,
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.
James 1:17 ESV
When you approach your home and possessions with gratitude, you’re showing care for the blessings you’ve received.
Taking care of your belongings doesn’t just mean cleaning them. It’s about cultivating a mindset of care and appreciation. Whether it’s wiping down the kitchen table after a meal or organizing your closet so that everything has a place, these actions contribute to a simplified life that’s centered on the things that matter most.
Your home is a place of worship to God and a display of the peace and love that can only come from knowing Him. To make your home beautiful, it starts with your heart. However, it also starts with knowing that your home is a place of worship. Also, it is a healing place for your family.
When you have discarded the things that are weighing you down or monopolizing your time, there is so much more time for everything else God has in store for you.
When you declutter and rid your home of things that do not bring joy and peace, you now have the time to care for the things you do have. As you simplify your home, make sure that you enjoy the things that you have kept. Because you love these things, take excellent care of them.
Taking great care of the resources God has given you is a blessing and not a chore. Enjoy caring for the most wonderful things that you are entrusted with.
Simplify Your Life: A Great Starting Point
When you discard the things that are weighing you down or are overwhelming, you open more opportunities for God to reveal His will for you and your home. As you simplify your home, you will find that it becomes a peaceful place.
n a world where we’re constantly told that more is better, embracing simplicity can feel like a radical choice. But when you start simplifying your life—whether it’s through decluttering, setting boundaries, or spending more time on self-care—you open up space for the things that truly matter.
A simpler life doesn’t have to mean giving up everything you love; it’s about making intentional choices that help you focus on what’s truly important. It’s about decluttering your mind and your home to create space for joy, connection, and less stress.
Don’t worry, it’s FREE!
The process of simplifying your life may not happen overnight, and it may take small, consistent steps. But as you begin to embrace less, you’ll notice more: more time for meaningful activities, less stress, and greater peace in your home. That’s the beauty of simplifying your life.
So, I challenge you: pick one area in your home and take the first steps towards simplifying it. Whether it’s your closet, your living room, or your kitchen, start small and see how much freedom it brings. Every step you take towards a simpler life is one towards less clutter and more joy.
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Simplifying doesn’t just apply to the home; it’s a way of life that can lead to greater balance, better mental health, and the freedom to enjoy the best things in life. Take the time to focus on what matters most, and experience the benefits of simplicity in every aspect of your life.
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