Create a Healing Home for Your Family – 5 Positive Steps Toward a Healing Environment

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The home is a dying idea. It’s often a place of contention, a place of anger, a place of rush, a ship in the wind, a solace only on weekends, divided and dead. Isn’t that sad? Our nation is ravaged, our world is ravaged, and it starts in the home. It starts with dysfunctional and broken homes. From the home, eternal souls go out into a broken world.

Creating a healing home, in the midst of a broken world, can only be achieved through surrendering to God. Creating a healing space and a healing environment in our home starts with surrendering our hearts and families to God. When we can do that, our homes can be built up in the Lord.

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A Healing Home & Hope in Scripture

I stumbled upon a word in the book of Luke that has completely changed my outlook on what my home should look like. I’m sure more skilled theologians will chuckle at my dissection of a word in a passage of scripture that is obviously going in a completely different direction than bible homemaking.

I ask you to give some liberty to this momma because I think there is some profound beautiful truth for other mommas in this single little word.

“And the Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time?”

Luke 12:42 ESV

Another passage that seems to resonate in our effort to create a healing home is Psalms 127. This passage as well has haunted me as I’ve looked to scripture in creating a healing environment for my family.

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.

Psalm 127:1

It’s humbling to realize that our greatest efforts in creating a healing space; spiritually, physically, and mentally, will fall short every time unless it is rooted in God. Unless he is the builder, we labor in vain.

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

Psalm 127:4 ESV ESV

Creating a Healing Space in Scripture

Let’s expound a little more on the passage in Luke 12:42. The Greek word for a household in this passage is the word ‘therapeia.’ The word is a noun, and the part of speech is feminine. If you go to Strong’s Concordance the short definition is ‘care, attention, healing.’ It’s traditionally where we get the word therapeutic from.

The scriptures only use the feminine version of this word 3 times. The first is in Luke 9:11 and refers to Jesus’ healing all who need healing. The second in Luke 12:42 and denotes the people of the home. The final use is in Revelations 2:22, and get this, this final reference describes the tree of life and how its fruit heals the nations of the world. Am I going too far by thinking that those three references are no coincidence? Oh, the astounding truth of God’s holy word.

Let’s go back to Luke 12:42. In this case, the word therapeia refers to the home or household. Wait for a second, did you just see the connection there? It’s subtle and a little out of context, but I think there is a beautiful truth in that little word. Our homes are meant to be places of healing.

Now it’s important to note before I continue that I believe the context of a specific verse should be applied based on what surrounds the given passage. The verses surrounding this passage are going a completely different direction than biblical homemaking. However, the bible has the truth that continually seeps from its pages. It’s oozing from the smallest of words to the largest of gospel truths.

A Healing Environment in the Home

Our homes are to be a place of healing. A healing place for our entire family. Spiritually healing, mental healing, physical healing. How can we support a healing environment and a safe space as mothers? What are the best ways to create a healing home? Mothers are typically the managers of our household. Not always, but especially in the Christian culture, mothers tend to own that role.

Obviously, we are not always medical healers. But remember that the first use of the word in Luke 9:11 refers to Jesus’ healing. Jesus didn’t just heal medically. He healed body, mind, and soul. What would happen to our homes if we turned it into a place of healing? A place of rejuvenation?A restorative environment? A place of wholesome learning? A place of joy? A place of laughter? A place of worship?

The Bible tells us that,

“The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down,”

Proverbs 14:1

The building of a healing home starts with the mother. We are on the front lines of building up or tearing down our homes. That’s quite a responsibility that we have. I heard a quote once that the father is the head of the home, the mother the heart of the home, and the children the hope of the home. The Bible tells us that from the heart flows the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23). Practically speaking the heart is what pumps the lifeblood to all other parts of the body.

Create a Healing Environment in 5 Steps

A healing environment starts with surrender. As we learned in Psalms 127, we cannot build our homes by ourselves. We first need our heavenly father to build. Secondly, we need our spouse to partner with us to create this healing environment that we are striving for. On our own accord, we will burn out. Self-care has problems of its own, but we need to care for ourselves, and we need our spouses to pitch in.

 Now, friend, what would it look like if you were to love your friends, family, neighbors the way you are currently loving yourself?

Ashely Harris, Undoubted Grace

How would you do friends? Would it look good? Bad? Ugly? Is your home a safe space for yourself and your family? Honestly, if I were to care for my family the same way I care for myself, they would be a mess. That is a startling realization.

One of the best things that we can do for self-care is to read scripture, memorize scripture, and spend time with Jesus. We need time with Jesus to replenish our hearts and minds so we can minister more effectively to our families.

How do we create a healing home for our families? Here are five steps that come to mind when I think about cultivating a healing space for my family.

1. Fill your Morning with Scripture

The first step to creating a healing home for those around us is investing in our relationship with Jesus. Find a quiet space every day to meet with your Lord and Savior. Saturate yourself with scripture and prayer.

 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 ESV

There is something truly powerful about a woman infused and inspired by the pursuit of Jesus through scripture. Forget empowerment through self. Left to our own devices we will destroy ourselves. Instead of opening your phone and allowing the influence of the world to offset your morning, allow the Holy Scripture to penetrate your mind and heart.

I’ve created a simple bible verse phone wallpaper download with the verses mentioned in this post. You can also click here to be brought to the entire library of bible verse phone wallpaper downloads (no sign-up required).

2. Fill your Family’s Morning with Scripture

This does not that to be hard. It can be a simple morning blessing all the way to directly reading out of the Bible during breakfast. If you’ve already woken up early and showered your own heart with scripture, use the breakfast table to shower your child’s heart with scripture.

We also create a healing environment by spiritually investing in our children. Reading the bible to them, bringing them to church, and talking about God, are all healing practices in our home.

We recently started using the HelloBible Box with our young children. For just a few dollars a month, this is an amazing way to bring the bible to life for children.

Running Late? Maybe you need to construct a morning blessing for your child that is simple but radiates with the truth. This is one I speak over my son when he wakes up. I modify it every now and again, but the point is that he hears the gospel and that I love him as soon as he wakes up. For a growing child, is there anything more important?

“Blessings on you my beautiful son. I hope you slept well. Let’s get ready for a day of adventure in pursuing Jesus. Do you know who loves you? Mommy loves you. Daddy loves you. Grandma, Grandpas, aunties, uncles, (etc.) but do you know who loves you best of all? Jesus. There is icky stuff in our hearts called sin. We don’t want good things. But God still loved us because we are his children. Someone had to make all the icky stuff good. That was Jesus, he died in our place. The gift of God is eternal life. Because of that gift we get to praise Jesus and live for him.”

3. Make your Table a Place of Healing Engagement

Your table is a place of healing within a family. It is face-to-face and eye-to-eye. If you eat around your television your fellowship is with strangers performing made-up lives. Food nourishes our bodies, likewise, the fellowship of your family nourishes their and your hearts. Meeting together as family can go a love way in having a positive effect on your healing home. In Acts 2 the fellowship of believers came together and mighty things happened.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul and may wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.”

Acts 2:42-43 ESV

I highly encourage this read if you want to learn more about the power of eating together as a family.

Sometimes celebrating, enjoying, and laughing seem almost inappropriate in a world as broken as ours. We look around and see panic on the faces of everyone we see. Tragedies become ordinary. How, in good conscience, can we laugh and celebrate and eat pizza? I believe we must celebrate – because celebration is one of the most effective weapons we have against the darkness of our day. The real grief of the state of our world is the pervasive fear that settles in our hearts.

Sally Clarkson, Life Giving Table

4. Healing Touch

We all have room to grow and this is my area to grow. I am a very reserved toucher. However, touch has extreme power. Science has proven that touch slows our heart rates. It’s why I tell parents at a relaxing time during my music classes that they should hold their child. It slows that busy heart rate down and helps the child begin to relax. Studies have even shown that healthy physical touch can boost our immune systems!

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children.

Titus 2:3-5 ESV

But scripture further backs up the power of touch. I recently learned from a wise lady named Nancy Campbell the further meaning of the above scripture. The word for “love their husband” is ‘philandros’. It means “to the friendly.” To touch, cuddle, hug and be his friend. Are you your husband’s friend? Further the word for “love your children” is ‘lotenknos’. It means to “show maternal affection and physical love.” We do this well when they are babies and toddlers, but as they grow our touch tends to wane.

As mothers, we are spurred on in scripture to touch our families with a beautifully healing touch.

5. Healing Words

Don’t underestimate the power of your words. Your words tame a situation faster than your actions. Are your children driving you bonkers? Have you had a long day? Your destructive words will do nothing to cultivate godly children. Your healing words have the power to change their lives. Be the hands and feet of Jesus to your children. Bless them with a tongue that is tame instead of a tongue that is foolish. This is a powerful way to add healing to your everyday home.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV

Practical Steps for a Healing Environment

It’s hard to create a healing home when the environment our families are living in is not healing. We certainly don’t have to provide a picture-perfect home with all the latest trends for Pinterest or Hobby Lobby. However, we do need to create a healing environment that is organized enough for our children and husbands to thrive. Simple changes in create a more organized and clean home has the power to lead to a more healing environment.

By creating a home that addresses both the physical environment and emotional needs, you can transform your living space into a haven that supports your overall health and well-being. You’ll often hear me call some of these steps in incorporating physical delight in our areas ‘pockets of peace’.

It’s those things we do and environment we manipulate that imprint peace in our hearts and minds. It might be simply burning a candle, the aroma of homemade bread, diffusing essential oils, adding a comfortable chair, creating a healing garden, adding indoor plants, creating a dedicated area for relaxation and book reading, using calming color schemes, playing soft music, cozy blankets, throw pillows or simply using a good light, these little pockets of peace can transform your home into a safe place that fosters both mental and physical health.

Adding unique pockets of peace in your own home is a great way to make your home environment a healing process for your family.

By surrounding yourself with meaningful items, not just more stuff, you create a restorative environment that becomes your own safe space, offering refuge from the stresses of everyday life.

Your physical space should support good health by promoting relaxation and a sense of control. Even small things, like choosing the right throw pillows or using good light, can go a long way in transforming your home into a safe place that fosters both mental and physical health.

My Healing Home

When my family walks into their home, I pray I have made a place that is healing to every part of them. That it’s a safe haven for learning, joy, and fellowship. From the foods that I cook, the activities I provide, the places I clean, the words I say, and the seeds I plant, that these all will provide healing nectar of truth that will lead to the ultimate healing of Jesus Christ.

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

Psalm 127:3 ESV

Would you like to dive deeper into creating a healing environment and a healing home for your family? I’ve customized a “Cultivating a Healing Home” devotional guide that walks you through some questions as you seek to bring healing to your home. Click on the picture or this link to download.


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9 thoughts on “Create a Healing Home for Your Family – 5 Positive Steps Toward a Healing Environment”

  1. I really appreciate this explaination from scriptures on how are homes are to be places of healing. It is really a beautiful example of how we mimic Christ and his church as places where people can find rest and hope. Thanks for sharing.

  2. As wives and mama’s, we certainly are on the front lines, as you’ve pointed out! The enemy knows if he can keep us feeling defeated, even more wounds will come. I’ve certainly been there! So very important to teach your young children, scripture truths that bring healing to any circumstance! Learned the hard way about this an now my oldest 3 are really struggling in their faith in Jesus.

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