Free Visual Schedule for Kids

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Have you ever used a visual schedule for kids? Ideal for ages 2-12, visual schedules can bring security to a child’s day and help the adult organize and create a routine for their classroom, or home.

Although visual schedules are typically thought of as a benefit for kids, adults can benefit from them too! It’s a great way to have children stop pestering you with questions about their day. You can simply make a

visual schedule for kids

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10 Benefits of a Visual Schedule

There are so many benefits of a visual routine or schedule for kids. Here are a few of the top benefits.

  • Provides a clear external structure for the school day
  • Psychologically calming for children
  • Provides safety and predictability
  • Supports literacy development
  • Reinforces verbal instruction
  • Teaches sequencing
  • Eases transitions
  • Reduces anxiety (for parents/teachers too!)
  • Provides independence
  • Allows for change to be introduced easily

Visual schedules can be extremely helpful for children with disabilities, but any child can benefit from a visual schedule structure.

However, homeschool mama, I want to emphasize something to you. You are not married to any of the homeschool decisions and routines that you start at the beginning of a school year. If a visual schedule does not seem to work for your family, or it becomes a burden, then change it! Junk it! If you need to pivot, then do so. Remember, you are in charge.

How to Start Using a Visual Schedule

When you first start using a visual schedule for kids, you will notice some ‘growing pains’. You might still get peppered with questions about your day, but remember to physically take them back to your visual schedule and show them where they are in the day. Show them what has happened in the past, and then look down the list and see what is upcoming. This sequencing help with start reinforcing how to do this themselves.

Remember questions are not bad, but if you don’t want to be consistently asked about your school/homeschool schedule, then start bringing them back to the visual schedule to reinforce how you want them to process it.

Here are a few other tips.

  • Make sure your schedule is in a central location.
  • If your schedule changes daily, make sure you are changing it at the same time each day.
  • Review changes that happen throughout the day with your child(ren).
  • Assist and support your children when they need help to grow accustomed to the visual schedule.
  • Avoid using too many words when referencing the schedule
  • Be consistent in your use of the schedule.
  • Allow your child to help change the schedule or manipulate it when your day changes.

Kids Daily Schedule

There are three catagories that these cards cover:

  1. Daily tasks like getting ready for the day or eating meals.
  2. School subjects like geography, history, reading & writing, and math.
  3. And family activities like going to Grandma’s house, field trips, errands, and outings.

Free Visual Schedule for Kids

There is so much you can do with a visual schedule cards. You don’t necessarily have to hang them up. You could also place them in a pile and review them at breakfast time, or use them throughout the day to indicate what is next. I do find that allowing the child(ren) to see them throughout the day, is most effective for us.

We like to hang ours with velcro, but you also get a pocket chart like this one, that you can hang over a door or in your school area.

When you print out your visual schedule cards, I recommend using the highest printing settings to ensure that you get the best results. We also like to laminate ours because it keeps them nice for much longer. This also ensures that we can use Velcro with our cards.

In the free visual schedule PDF, you will get 20 cards that are ideal for ages 2-12.

Ready to download the Free Visual Schedule for Kids? All you need to do is click the button below and you will be brought to a Dropbox folder with the PDF. No sign up required! However, if you are intested in getting more kids printables, check this out.

Want more? I have 76 (and counting) visual schedule cards available on Etsy and my Gumroad shop. These cards are added to and once you purchase you get any updates for free!

19 pages of cards (PDF) + Canva blank template + 1 folder of JPGS

$4 Visual Schedule Cards!

Don’t forget to Pin for Later!

Visual schedule cards

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